Power BI Professional Services

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Welcome to Graphene Cloud

Power BI is a cloud-based business intelligence and data visualization tool that enables businesses to analyse data, create interactive reports and dashboards, and share insights with stakeholders. We specialize in delivering Power BI Professional Services that can transform your data into actionable insights. Power BI Professional Services is a suite of offerings that helps organizations get the most out of Power BI by providing expert guidance and support

Who Should Use Power BI Professional Services

Power BI Professional Services is ideal for businesses of all sizes, across industries, that want to gain insights from their data and make data-driven decisions. Whether you’re a small business looking to track sales performance or a large enterprise seeking to analyse complex data sets, our Power BI Professional Services can help you achieve your goals.

Power Automate Consulting

Departments That Can Benefit from Power BI Professional Services

Power BI Professional Services can benefit several departments in your organization. For example, the sales department can use Power BI to track sales performance, analyse customer behaviour, and identify growth opportunities. The finance department can use Power BI to track financial performance, monitor cash flow, and analyse profitability. The marketing department can use Power BI to track campaign performance, analyse customer engagement, and optimize their marketing strategies

Example use cases for Power BI

  1. Suppose you’re a sales manager looking to track sales performance. With Power BI, you can create interactive dashboards that show sales by region, product, and salesperson, allowing you to identify top performers and areas for improvement. You can also track customer behaviour, such as purchase history and website activity, to identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Let’s say you’re a finance manager looking to analyse financial performance. With Power BI, you can create dashboards that show revenue, expenses, and profitability by product, department, and region. You can also track cash flow, such as accounts receivable and accounts payable, to ensure that you have enough liquidity to meet your financial obligations.


Suppose you’re a marketing manager looking to track campaign performance. With Power BI, you can create dashboards that show website traffic, lead generation, and customer engagement, allowing you to optimize your marketing strategies. You can also track social media engagement and sentiment analysis, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and respond to customer feedback.


Let’s say you’re an operations manager looking to analyse production performance. With Power BI, you can create dashboards that show production output, quality metrics, and downtime, allowing you to identify bottlenecks and optimize your production processes. You can also track inventory levels, allowing you to optimize your supply chain management and avoid stockouts.

Human Resources

Suppose you’re an HR manager looking to track employee performance. With Power BI, you can create dashboards that show employee engagement, turnover rates, and performance metrics, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your talent management processes. You can also track employee feedback and sentiment analysis, allowing you to respond to employee concerns and improve employee satisfaction.

Discover how Graphene Cloud for Power BI Professional Services can help your organization

At Graphene Cloud, we have a team of certified Power BI experts who can help you design and implement dashboards that are tailored to your business needs. We take a collaborative approach, working closely with your team to understand your data and identify areas where insights can help.

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What our
clients say

I recently engaged Graphene to work on a strategically important journey to cloud project for our business. Having worked with Ed and her team in previous organisations, I was aware of their technical capability, but it was even more reassuring to see how their business and commercial acumen had also grown further within Graphene.

The engagement model was both fast and effective, bringing on board not only our technical teams, but also building strong relationships with both finance and operations which were important to the future success of the project. The strength of the financial models produced to assist our PoC business case, were on par with the technical side which added real value.

Flexibility and being able to pivot, creating new ideas and solutions, bought further value to the project.

I would not hesitate to use Graphene again or recommend to others.

Quote from Ian Bryant, VP Technology Solutions - https://covetrus.com/