Microsoft 365 Backup

Microsoft 365 Backup Corporate Data Protection

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Microsoft 365 Backup

At heart of Microsoft’s 365 Backup sits Azure Active Directory, which supports conditional access policies.

Conditional Access enables organizations to configure and fine-tune access control policies with contextual factors such as user, device, location, and real-time risk information. This helps control what a specific user can access, and how and when they have access.

How Conditional Access works
within your organization

Hybrid on-premise apps

Secure remote access to on-premises web apps.

Office apps

Restrict access to approved, modern authentication-capable client apps.

Other apps

Enforce controls to specific apps or actions.

Safeguard your organization with a corporate data protect managed service from Graphene.

Microsoft 365 Backup

Protect resources with
Conditional Access

Enable Zero Trust with strong authentication and adaptive policies

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